Vergrößern Sankt Sankt Sankt
Vergrößern Sankt Sankt Sankt
Vergrößern Sankt Sankt Sankt
Vergrößern Sankt Sankt Sankt

Sankt Sankt Sankt


In Natura, 2023, dry

Austrian organic wine from Loidesthal, Weinviertel



Meaty and juicy with a raw, vibrating and wild soul. You will find notes of black tea, herbs and dark fruits in this unfined and unfiltered Sankt Laurent.



Varieties: Sankt Laurent
Block(s): Kreuthern vineyards
Soil: chalky loam soils

Ripe and healthy grapes were harvested by hand. With 80% destemmed and 20% whole cluster the berries went into big oak fermenter and went through fermentation in 10 days. After 14 days more skin contact the wine reposed after pressing in 300 l used oak barrels in our old natural loess cellar with a constant temperature of 14° C. The wine was blended and bottled without any filtration and fining with just a little amount of sulfur.

Roasted vegetable & red meat 

Details of the wine


Varieties: Sankt Laurent
Block(s): Kreuthern vineyards
Soil: chalky loam soils


Ripe and healthy grapes were harvested by hand. With 80% destemmed and 20% whole cluster the berries went into big oak fermenter and went through fermentation in 10 days. After 14 days more skin contact the wine reposed after pressing in 300 l used oak barrels in our old natural loess cellar with a constant temperature of 14° C. The wine was blended and bottled without any filtration and fining with just a little amount of sulfur.

Food Pairing

Roasted vegetable & red meat 


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